Tuesday 7 April 2015

Applying to a café to be a writer in residence

Here is a letter to café owners / managers I have found quite effective. Do adapt as appropriate:
I would love to come and spend a day at your café as a Writer in Residence.


The Creative Café Project which includes the publication of an e-zine and anthology CafeLit-  short stories to read while you enjoy a brew. Each story is linked to a particular drink.   

The Creative Café Project is all about finding cafes like yours that support the arts and provide a space where creative practitioners and their audiences can be in touch. 

During my day I would:
·         Occupy one of your tables for most of your opening hours
·         Buy three snacks / meals
o   Breakfast / mid-morning snack
o   Lunch
o   Afternoon snack
·          Sell some of my books – they could go through your till at rrp or a little less and I can invoice you back after the visit at 35% discount. Win win? Or I can sell directly or not at all if it is awkward.  (I’ll bring postcards anyway)     
·         Sit and write
·         Offer one-to-one critique or advice about writing / publishing sessions – this will bring you some more customers as part of the deal is that writers get a free critique only if they purchase something from the café.   
·         Collect stories for a possible Horsnea anthology
·         Invite customers to write bursts of flash fiction. Leaflets on the tables will offer this to people and prompt them through the process – they can deposit their efforts with me if they are brave enough

Before the event I would:
o   Advertise via social media
o   Design leaflets that can be printed and displayed on line

After the event I would:
o   Write a review of your café.  I only ever give good reviews because if I can’t give a good review I don’t review. However, to date, I’ve never had cause not to review! 
o   Pull together stories and examples of flash fiction and see if we have enough to work on an anthology or whether we might work further on this.
o   Arrange another similar event if we felt that this one was successful       
What I need you to do:
o   Agree to me coming and allow me my table for the day
o   Consider whether you’re happy for me to sell any of my books or not
o   Let people know I’m coming
Note the Creative Café Project never charges cafés or creative practitioners for being involved and both may be as involved as much or a little as they like.    

Is this of interest to you?
I’d love to come and work with you.