Sunday 22 February 2015

The Floral Hall Café, Hornsea Review

The Floral Hall café , bookshop, sits next to the Floral Hall on the sea front at Hornsea.  Even on a Thursday afternoon in February it is inviting. Inside there are red hearts, ready for Valentine’s Day. Outside the waves tumble energetically on to the firm sand. The café offers a sanctuary for those who have braved a walk in the cold. Several have. And goodness, it’s cold enough out there.  

I arrive just in time for lunch.  I order a cheese and onion quiche with chips and salad. The pastry is light, the filling beautifully cheesy with the texture just right and the chips are cooked to be crisp on the outside and fluffy inside. All for under £6.00.  Later I indulge in a piece of excellent chocolate cake and a large cup of builder’s tea – for just £2.50.  No wonder the trade is brisk.

Today I’m here partly to conform that this is indeed a Creative Café and partly as Writer in residence, with a view to creating a collection of stories by and / or about the people who live locally. 
Art work in the cafe

There is plenty of evidence that this café belongs in the project: there is a second-hand bookshop in the café. A lunch club hold their first meeting. Later a bridge club meets and its members play for most of the afternoon. Halfway through the afternoon the line-dancing starts in the hall next door. On the wall beside me artwork by a local creative practitioner is displayed. As I leave, I notice a poster about a Comedy Night to be hosted there soon. Of course, I’m here today as a writer.  Yes, it certainly is a Creative Café.

The bookshop and red hearts in the cafe
I sit and write, have postcards about my work to give out and books to sell. I offer people chats about their own work. I collect nine stories. Not enough for an anthology yet but too many not to come back another time.  So, I shall be back and I look forward to it.
Writing in the cafe 

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