Monday 16 December 2013

The Edge Café Brixham

The Edge
Bolton Street
01803 851414.

The Edge Cafe provides the following Creative Cafe activities:
  • craft
  • live theatre
  • music 
The Edge 

Friday 13 December 2013

The Café D'Art

26b Chapel Lane
L37 4DU
01704 870567 

The Café d'Art host the following creative café events:

  • live music
  • gallery 

The Cafe D'Art

Thursday 5 December 2013


CafeLit is doing well at the moment. We’re still getting the normal short stories but also a great line in 100-worders. We’ll soon be putting together the Best of CafeLit 2013 and we’re also planning a cute little square book of the 100-worders. So, some contributors might find their work published twice.
We do pay royalties on our books but as they’re shared between several people they really don’t come to all that much per person. However, they do accumulate over the years – we only pay out once there is £10.00 – and if someone is published by the project several times, and they’ve got other small trickles of income, it all helps to keep the writer fed and housed. There is the option also of donating royalties to the project and several people do that.

Tuesday 3 December 2013

The Art of Tea

47 Barlow Moor Road,
East Didsbury
Manchester M20  6TW

0161 448 9323

The Art of Tea hosts the following creative events:
  • Live music
  • DJs
  • Exhibitions
  • Art gallery
  • Books  
The Art of Tea
Writers in cafes at the Art of Tea