Friday 4 January 2013

Writers in cafés

I’ve started an occasional series on writers in cafés and I’m inviting people to take part. Your answers, a picture of you – writing in a café if you wish –, any links you’d like me to provide and a short bio will be included on the blog post.

These are the questions:
What sort of writing do you do in cafés?
Why do you think writers like to work in cafés?  
Tell us something about a café where you like working (it’s okay not to name it if you would like to keep your venue secret – but if you are happy to name it we can add it to the list of cafés in the project.)
Has anything funny or interesting happened to you whilst you’ve been working in a café?  
Anything else you would like to add? (You can make up your own question if you like)

If you would like to be involved either DM me via Twitter or leave your contact details in the comments box here. (Note: these will not be published as I have to moderate comments  and I’ll delete the comment once I’ve noted your contact details.)  Then we can work out when I’m going to include your post and make sure we have all the material needed.        

1 comment:

  1. Hi Gill - I'm a writer and I often work in my local cafe in Edinburgh - just up the road. I'm @sarasheridan on twitter and my email is - I'd be happy to give you some answers for your piece. I also travel a good deal (book festivals etc) so I end up writing all over the place....
